ایوارڈ و اعزازات
۲۰۱۷ فائر اینڈ سیفٹی کنونشن اور ایوارڈ
Agha Steel Industries has proudly won another award! 7th Fire Safety and Security Convention was held in 2017 which Agha Steel Industries was presented an award for Best Fire Safety Practices.
2017: Strategic Alliance with PREET Machines Limited
AGHA Steel Industries signed an agreement for an enhancement and built of re-rolling mill.
۲۰۱۷ کنزیومر چوائس ایوارڈ
Agha Steel Industries always believes in manufacturing the best quality of steel. The hard work has paid off as Agha Steel Industries has captured the Consumer Choice Award for the third year in a row.
2017: 9th Corporate Social Responsibility Award
ا۲۰۱۷ آٹھواں کارپوریٹ سوشل ریسپانسبلٹی ایوارڈ
۲۰۱۶ء سال کا کنزیومر چوائس ایوارڈ
ء ۲۰۱۶ء پہلی الیکٹرک آرک فرنس، ای بار جی ۰۰۵ پلس کی تنصیب پرا اواں کنزیومرز بیسٹ چوائس ایوارڈ
۲۰۱۶ سی ای او سمٹ ایوارڈ
CEO Summit Asia & Leadership was held in 2017, for the creation of building stronger future of Pakistan, on the occasion Mr. Hussain Agha received an award as a Youngest Best performing CEO.
2016: Pak-Italy Friendship Contract
Italian Embassy, Islamabad hosted a Pak-Italy Friendship Contract Signing Ceremony in Sarena Islamabad on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 where The Contract for the Meltshop Enhancement Project was signed between Agha Steel Industries- Pakistan and Danieli – Italy, the project includes the complete reconstruction of the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and a new Fume Treatment Plant.